Thursday, June 12, 2014

Three San Francisco Vision Events in June

This month we participated in three vision events throughout the city.  The first was at Project Homeless Connects event in Sunnydale where 59 people got exams and glasses.

The second event was at Sts Mary and Martha Lutheran in the Mission District where we helped get 16 individuals exams and prescription glasses:

The third event was at the Bayview Mission, where we got 24 individuals exams and prescription glasses:

The total number of individuals who have received glasses though our Homeless Vision Project since October of 2013: 471

A huge thank you to St. Paulus Lutheran Church and The Sam Mazza Foundation for providing major financial support for this project!

Upcoming Events

  • July 18th - Bayview Mission, Bayview District
  • August  31st - Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church, North Beach District
  • September - St. Aidan's Episcopal Church, Diamond Heights District